Residential & Commercial Landscaping Repairs
Our Crews have years of experience with residential and commercial repairs.
About our Repair Crews
Our team specializes in repairs for residential and commercial landscaping. Our crews are equipped with all the necessary equipment and tools to complete any tasks that are required.
With the knowledge accumulated over the years we can assure you our team at High Point has the knowledge and experience to complete any deficiencies regarding walkways, grading, sodding, plantings and much more.
Reach out today for a quote for your next project.
Call For a Quote:
(905) 989-1003
Related Services
Excavation & Earthworks
We provide the following earthwork services: soil excavation, haulage, placement and spreading of topsoil, rough and fine grading.
Finish Grading and Sodding
We offer residential grading and sodding for new residential subdivisions and as well commercial projects and roadside.
Condominium Landscaping
Our team offers full service landscaping for your condominium project from hardscaping, plantings, recreational spaces, paths, garden beds, buffers for edge management and always creating a bright and welcoming space for your condominium with landscaping.
Labour Crews & Equipment
Use our labour crews and equipment during higher production periods to meet your demands without the commitment of hiring permanent staff. We specialize in residential construction.
Contact Us
Call For a Quote:
(905) 989-1003
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